The term fascist has been so over worked as to have become virtually useless as a description; in the last six months I have heard all the following described as ‘fascist: The National Union of Students, The Metropolitan Police, Ian Duncan Smith, The EDL, The Department of Work and Pensions, David Cameron, The Catholic Church, Rupert Murdoch and Peter Holobone MP.

And yet, excepting those occasions when people use the term with deliberate and conscious dishonesty, there is a phenomenon, an attitude of mind, a tone of voice that is being described. It is a mindset of intolerance, ruthlessness, cavalier with other people’s needs or sensitivities. We need a word for this, ‘fascist’ simply will not do.

There is however a character of person for whom the term immediately pops into ones head and which, despite the problems associated with the word, seems wholly apposite. One such is George Galloway. When he debated Galloway in New York Christopher Hitchens described looking into Galloway’s eyes as “staring into the piggy face of fascism.”[1]

Not since Oswald Mosley has Britain thrown up such a public figure as Galloway. Enoch Powell was too much of an intellectual to ever be an effective demagogue. Galloway however is the real deal, a thug, a bully, bombastic, devious and as slippery as a bar of soap dripping in olive oil.

Galloway gives all the appearance of being a fifth columnist in the House of Commons, representing the interests of the Iranian theocratic regime, who pay him to spout his Haw Haw style rants on his show on the Iranian propaganda channel, Press TV.

 Also as the Daily Telegraph reports:-

George Galloway, the Respect MP, has lately made more than £50,000 from Al-Mayadeen TV, which is said to be supportive of President Assad's regime.[2]

As Christopher Hitchens pointed out he is always on the look for a new dictatorship to suck up too. He can barely contain his glee at the ‘triumph’ of the thuggish Putin.

 His command of oratory is superficially impressive, but you need to be acute to his verbal gymnastics when it comes to facts. He deliberately throws up smokescreens and sows confusion by making spurious analogies. He is animated by hatred of western democracy in general and the US and Israel in particular.

He is careful to avoid making any statement that could clearly be identified as anti- Semitic, however since he has no problem in sharing a platform with anti Semites you may draw your own conclusions.

When debating Galloway be prepared for every crude tactic, no strategy is too low for him, from bullying and intimidation to Ad Hominem character assassination; he will cast doubt on your motivation and seek to destroy your credibility. Get in the ring with Galloway and be prepared to fight dirty. You will need at hand a catalogue of his lies and distortions, his history of carpet bagging and sucking up to murderous thugs, as well as his embrace of Islamist theocrats. As Ruth Dudley Edwards comments you need forget the Marquis of Queensberry rules.[3]

There is another side to the man worth noting, his solipsism and vanity. He is the kind of person who collects newspaper clippings about himself. Having a highly exaggerated sense of his own importance he accrues to himself the designation ‘expert.’ In my experience people who so designate themselves, as opposed to others deciding they fit into this category, are not to be taken seriously.

There is of course one final possibility about Galloway and that is that he is mad. Certainly when watching his performance on Press TV, the conspiracy theory, wide staring eyes and preachy tone, it is difficult to accept that you are watching someone playing with a full deck of cards.

But hey you judge for yourselves.[4]

[1] When I witness Galloway farting his views in public I greatly Miss ‘the Hitch,’ who destroyed the demagogic Scotsman on more than one occasion.
[4] Someone posted this on YouTube with approval. What can one say, other than that the attractions of fascism remain strong.

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