There is a London saying which is designed to express a combination
of embarrassment, ridicule and incredulity; it is employed as response to
hyperbole or any statements that are clearly ‘over the top.’ The expression is,
“leave it out!”
Some unnamed Russian
official apparently said of the UK , “[it] is a small Island that nobody takes any notice of any more.”*
Most grown up citizens of
the UK , adults who have lived a little, who have ‘been
around the block’ a few times might reflect, as did I, “well it takes more than
that to make me cry!”
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Not so David Cameron, it
seems his feelings were hurt and he responded by saying, and here it gets a
little nauseating; “Try finding a prouder nation that has a bigger heart.” When
I read this my response was “oh leave it out!”
It gets worse. He went on
to list a series of ‘achievements’…“sixth largest economy, fourth best funded
military, some of the most effective diplomats, the proudest history…”One half
expected him to say, “and our tallest building is much taller than your tallest
This tirade would be
embarrassing from a teenager, coming from a senior diplomat let alone the Prime
Minister it is excruciating. It provides further proof of David Cameron’s immaturity
and unsuitability for high office. It also, incidentally, suggests he needs to
develop a thicker skin; all this petulant sensitivity is baggage no serious
statesman can afford.
Finally some free advice, there
is a good rule of thumb in responding to insults of this nature, if you cannot
respond with wit, stay silent.
*Apparently some Russian
officials were ‘boasting’ that they are the largest nation in world by land
mass, this seems about as childish, empty and pointless as pointing out that
the British Isles enjoy a very long coastline. This makes me want to respond “and…?”