No sooner has the blood dried on the Woolwich pavement than the apologists creep out into the May sunshine. You can read their pronouncements, wrapped in woolly words, in the Guardian and other vehicles of the liberal media.
I also see that CND along with the Stop The War Coalition have put out a statement. I quote:-

‘There can be no justification for a murderous attack on an individual soldier in the streets of London………’

Predictably the ‘statement then goes on to do just that:-

        [The attack]’ ……represent a phenomenon that was pointed out nearly a decade ago by the security services in Britain: that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq would lead to a growing threat of terrorism in Britain. Many of us have long predicted that these sorts of attacks would happen because of the war on terror.’[1]

The squalid exploitation of the death of Lee Rigby by the apologists and Islamacist fellow travellers of the so called Stop the War Coalition was to be predicted, the gutter being their natural home; but for the once proud CND, of which I was once a member, to crawl into the gutter with them turned my stomach.

What will this feather brained crowd say in years to come, long after the last British soldier has returned to these islands, when some clerically inspired fanatic beheads a policeman because some Islamacist has been jailed for inciting murder, a British diplomat is felt to have insulted the prophet, or a simple refusal to acknowledge the primacy of Sharia law? (That some such thing will happen you can be sure and you can also be sure that these fanatics have reasons aplenty to call upon when they so need.) No doubt the useful idiots of the STWC will then put out some statement blaming British or American Imperialism or the fact that we are just do damned uppity and Western in our ways. 

This is pretty much all I want to say about the brutal murder of Lee Rigby, he was, I believe, a far better man than those who hacked him to death in South London, though the hysteria that has followed disturbed me.

The two demented fruitcakes that killed him used knives, though they also had a gun, unfortunately not difficult to get hold off in London; this was not a sophisticated murder. The two men were known to the security services who already had the power to track them, tap their phones or do whatever else might have been required to disrupt and neutralise them. Despite all this there are already those jumping on the bandwagon to ramp up yet again the powers of the security services, including resurrecting the infamous ‘Snoopers Charter.’  Sadly the first out of the blocks were senior members of the Labour Party. When it comes to civil liberties the Labour party is simply not to be trusted. It prefers that old popular ditty we have all come to know so well over the years, ‘If you've nothing to hide what do you have to worry about?’ I think everyone who sings this song should automatically have their curtains confiscated.

[1] This petition incidentally arrived in my inbox despite having previously asked StW from sending me their propaganda. They have my e-mail as I once wrote to them in protest about a particularly dishonest piece they put out about Bosnia. Since then they have bombarded me with agit-prop and I begin to think they may be listing me as a supporter. This is worth bearing in mind when they provide statistics of supporters.

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